Controlling who has access to your home is the first step in creating a secure lifestyle for ourselves and our loved ones.
Very often we are so focused on creating a secure environment, by installing electric fences, high perimeter walls and outside beams etc., that we often overlook how our Armed Response Officers will get access to the premises to conduct a perimeter patrol and inspection, especially in an emergency situation.
There are however ways in which you can assist us to get access to your premises to conduct a thorough inspection, thus ensuring your and your loved one’s safety.
First and foremost, would be to install a Masterlock Key safe on the premises in a concealed, yet accessible location. At the time of activation, the Armed Response Officer would be given the code by our Monitoring Centre, which would then permit him to access the key or remote in the lock box and allow him to conduct a thorough search of the premises.
An alternative to this could be the installation of a “Digi Pad” release lock on the main gate where the Response officer would enter the code to gain access to the premises to conduct his search. The “Digi Pad” would open a sliding gate.
If you have appointed new keyholders/contact persons, please ensure that you have e-mailed us on so that we can update your profile accordingly.
With the current hot weather, we are also prone to leaving windows and doors open, in an attempt to cool down. It is specifically in this type of weather where opportunistic criminals are wandering the neighbourhood. We have literally just given them an open-door invitation to come and help themselves.
Just a reminder to always be careful not to offer unvetted access to would be criminals and to be aware of open doors and windows at all times.
Should you wish to invest in any of these access options, CBAR will gladly assist in supplying you with a quotation for the supply and installation of either of these security solutions.
Please feel free to contact our Technical Department on 0860 15 15 15 or who will be able to advise you or supply you with a quotation.
Kind regards,
CBAR / Team